I am looking for full-time positions along SDE / ML Engineering, ML Research or related roles.

About me

I completed my masters in Artificial Intelligence from Boston University. My research work was mostly done in under the guidance of Dr. Margrit Betke, in collaboration with Dr. Prakash Ishwar and Dr. Swathi Kiran supported by Center for Brain Recovery.

Research Interests

Computer Vision, NLP, Pattern Recognition.

My History

YearLife update
2023Published Fusion Approaches on Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data work at the ICCV 2023 workshop CVAMD.
2023Graduate with Masters in AI from Boston University
2022Abstract Submission and Poster presentation Feature understanding and Analysis , MIUA, 2022
2022Published Towards Fast Crash-Consistent Cluster Checkpointing, IEEE HPEC
2021Joined Boston University to pursue Masters in Artificial Intelligence
2021Published Sloshing noise analysis and classification with CNNs at JASA
2020Joined Fractal Analytics as a Data Analyst
2020Joined Matsuo Lab at UTokyo as a research student
2020graduated from IIT Hyderabad
2019Awarded JICA scholarship to study in Japan
2019Got best club award for Robotics Club.
2019Intern (Data Analyst), Takanaka Corporation, Japan
2018Became Head of Robotics club, IIT Hyderabad
2016Joined IIT Hyderabad, B.Tech - Engineering Sciences